Comprehensible Code


About the topic:
The concept of clean code is well known by many developers. But if you ask them what it is, many of them mostly talk about software design. While naming and abstractions are very important in code comprehension, this talk is focuses on fundamentally important comprehension factor—code structure.

The talk covers three main factors that burden reading the code: unoptimized reading experience, visual noise, and obfuscated relations between code parts. The talk emphasizes on feedback loop, which easily breaks if we ignore details in our code. In the end every defect is a missed detail in a software system. Let’s not ignore what they try to communicate us!


About Vaidas:
Vaidas Pilkauskas Vilnius Scala organizer and co-founder of Vilnius JUG. While not shredding on his mountain bicycle, he enjoys speaking about software design, test first techniques and how both things fulfil each other.

He blogs at Vaidas has more than 10 years of experience in software development and currently takes Guild Master role of backend engineering team at where he tries to influence how engineers design their software. is a leading website building platform built by passionate R&D team which enjoys tackling high scale challenges.


Regular ticket price only 49 Eur
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