Ralph van Roosmalen Author of book "Doing It - Management 3.0 Experiences"

Ralph van Roosmalen

Ralph is specialized in Management 3.0, being agile and building (distributed) agile software teams. Furthermore, he is the first person who wrote a book about Management 3.0 besides Jurgen Appelo. The book is called „Doing It – Management 3.0 Experiences“ where Ralph shares his many experiences with Management 3.0 practices.

Ralph is an independent Agile Coach at Agile Strides. He is an active member of the international Agile community and shares his insights and knowledge by speaking at conferences and writing blog posts. Since 1997 he fulfilled several roles within the ICT, mainly at ISV’s, these vary from Developer, Test Manager, Scrum Master, Development Manager and VP Research and Development. Since 2004 he is already involved in Agile projects.

He has extensive experience in setting up distributed teams in countries as The Netherlands, Romania, US, and India. From selecting the location till recruiting and building the team and in the end transferring to a local country manager. Helping people and therefore organizations, to get them moving to create a better work environment, a work environment that people love and inspire them to do great things is his passion.

As CEO of Happy Melly Ralph represents Management 3.0 and Happy Melly to the outside world where necessary. Making sure the owners of Management 3.0 know what is going. Besides the CEO, Ralph also is responsible for managing the Management 3.0 content.

More information about Ralph can be found on his LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralphvanroosmalen.